Review your Order
This page is the overview of your order that gives you the breakdown of what items have been added before you send off to your supplier.
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This page is the overview of your order that gives you the breakdown of what items have been added before you send off to your supplier.
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This section provides all your order details including expected delivery date, supplier, and number of items. The section also provides the FX Rate converted costs on your total costs from CAD to USD.
You also can enter a Freight amount, Warehousing amount, and Processing costs to get a total estimated cost on the order.
You can customize your tasks to include the steps you need to take to receive the order. You can add a new task at the bottom of your task list and hit enter for it to be added.
Clicking on the the more options button beside your tasks will allow you to remove the task from the list.
Click the "Send" button to email your order to a supplier. Enter a supplier email and click send.
Users can send an order to more than one email. Add a comma between each email to send to multiple suppliers.
Selecting the arrow button beside the send button will allow you to email, and export your PO as a PDF or CSV file.
The note section can be your comment feed between you and your teammates. Add any extra details of your order here. This will keep any up-to-date changes to the order within the overview page.
Click the red "Archive Purchase Order" button to archive an order. This will remove the order from the Order page list.