
Check out our updates to the platform 🚨

We are always constantly improving and building the Moselle platform every day. This includes adding new features, adding new documentation, and patching up bugs. The changelog will give you an account of what's happened.

Important Updates

September 2024

Feature Updates:

  • Introduced new UI improvements to our Purchase Order page, giving users a high-level view of your order details including snapshots of your total costs of the order

  • New mass item import feature on the Catalog page. Mass upload new items and overwrite existing items or metadata from your item catalog.

  • Improved UI filter on the replenishment page. Swiftly identify at-risk items you need by drilling down newly added product filters on your buy plan.

Bug Patches and Growth:

  • πŸ› Fixed a bug that caused an error when users attempted to create a purchase order.

  • πŸ› Patched top-performing SKU breakdowns on monthly sales reports that caused a broken list to be displayed.

  • πŸ› Resolved an issue where users in various time zones experienced sales data discrepancies.

  • πŸ› Fixed metadata entry error that prevented users from editing attributes with a dash in their name

  • πŸ› Fixed a bug that occurred when users deselected the β€œActive” Status filter on the Catalog page.

  • 🌱 Added new plan frequency dropdown to include weekly replenishment list.

  • 🌱 Improved order management UX for users.

July 2024

Feature Updates:

  • Updated Filter UX for the Catalog page where users can select the filter type, select an option from the dropdown menu, and type an item name in the search bar.

  • Updated the export product button where users can selectively choose the items they want in a CSV file. Clicking on the "View" button will allow users to select the attributes they want to export.

Bug Patches and Growth:

  • πŸ› Fixed a bug that caused safety stock to shift the date range on replenishment plans.

  • πŸ› Fixed export bug on the replenishment page that allowed users to export the plan before the report build was complete.

  • πŸ› Fixed number formatting on sales monthly report.

  • 🌱 Added currency selection in a user's company profile, allowing them to update their main currency.

  • 🌱 Upgraded loading time speed on both monthly and weekly reporting.

  • 🌱 Restyled item buttons to action buttons with a dropdown.

  • 🌱 Introduced the Changelog page to show past updates on the Moselle platform.

June 2024

Feature Updates:

  • Included scenario forecast files to the planning page for better visibility with the last edit date. Users can now create separate forecast files to test their production plan.

  • Updated UI for the catalog to include products and components tab where users can export separately.

  • Introduced a new date filter to all reports in Moselle where users can select set date ranges.

Bug Patches and Growth:

  • πŸ› Patched a bug that caused metadata issues when users updated their item details.

  • πŸ› Fixed up inventory snapshot feature to notify users of items that were not yet created.

  • πŸ› Fixed the weekly and monthly report's unit and gross sales dropdown error.

  • 🌱 Added an option to archive replenishment plans.

  • 🌱 Updated the net inventory report to include TIV and TRY values.

May 2024

Feature Updates:

  • Enhancements to weekly and monthly rollups to include easier customizable pivot tables and visualizations. Tables now provide an overview of gross sales, sell-through rates, item filtering, and other key metrics.

  • Customize your item master item export from the catalog page.

  • Updated UI for the Orders page to a more compact view for easier readability. The UI also includes more details about the order including progress, PO number, item count, and cost.

Bug Patches and Growth:

  • πŸ› Fixed Mape calculation on the forecasting performance report.

  • πŸ› Fixed a bug that showed duplicate metadata on a master item export.

  • 🌱 Improved reporting pivot tables to include new filters and groups for sell percentage changes and sell-through rates.

  • 🌱 Added a virtual stock toggle for bundles on the item product page.

  • 🌱 Added new in-app notifications for production plans and order status changes.

April 2024

Feature Updates:

  • Introduction to the Catalog page that will provide a breakdown of items that need to be triaged and updated. Users can review listing linkages, connected platforms, unit costs, and more.

  • Added new channel and product line reporting actuals vs projections. Track your channel's or product line's performance at a glance and compare projections across different channels.

  • Included an option for users to mass import orders to Moselle. Import a CSV file, map your file contents, and upload your purchase order.

Bug Patches and Growth:

  • πŸ› Patched a bug that would cause an error to order CSV uploads with incorrect file headers.

  • πŸ› Fixed a bug where exporting orders as a PDF would cause the item and unit quantity line to duplicate to another line.

  • 🌱 Included a percentage of the sales field to display on the weekly demand report.

  • 🌱Added new currency selection to the purchase order builder currency dropdown.

  • 🌱 Added new in-app notifications for file upload progress, buy plan completion, and Moselle forecast updates.

March 2024

Feature Updates:

  • Introducing new pivot tables in reports to include a high-level sales view across all items. The table is customizable and users can view sales across different channels, product types, and product lines.

  • Included export feature for new pivot tables that turn data into visualizations. Right-click on the table to export your table to CSV or XLSX format.

Last updated